#1 My Autobiography

Hi again, today I'm going to give you more information about me.
I'm 22 years old and my birthday is August 9, 1997. If you believe in the signs of the zodiac, I'm Leo.
I am from Santiago de Chile, born and raised, and in this moment I live in Maipu.
In my early years of education I had to go with my family to Chile's south, because my dad had a job there, but I returned to Santiago.
From 4th grade I studied at a school in Maipú called CEMAR, this place was small but its teachers were very good people and taught me all the good things for life.
In 2015 I graduated from school and wanted to enter the University, so in 2016 I entered the Universidad Alberto Hurtado to study the career of Pedagogy in Biology, this year I understood that Biology was not my passion and I left that university.
That year was very turbulent for me, because I experienced University in a very different way than my classmates, because I was studying something that I really didn't like.
In 2017 I understood that I wanted to study Design and since that year I am at the University of Chile, and I can really say that this is my career, my passion and my future. I like to study typography, editorial design and photography, but what I really like about the career is working with people, because in design you have to work with people and their ideas.
Design is my passion and I've never been happier to have chosen this. I don't regret getting into Design.

I love it the picture, you have a lot of talen. See you