#4 Things that catch your attention on the street

Hello, today I will tell you about the things that catch my attention on the street.
When I walk down the street and see a diverse couple it gives me a very nice feeling, I feel that they only being together are fighting against the retrograde society that does not tolerate LGBT people. I think it is a very positive thing to make diversity visible. Straight couples do what they want on the street and nobody tells them anything, I am annoyed by excessive displays of affection on the street, and unfortunately I have had to see a lot throughout my conscious life hahaha. I enjoy seeing more people dare to express themselves freely on the street and not feel fear, this brave act allows more people to be themselves. The street is a space that although one does not believe it is very political, where there are hierarchies and where there are moralistic models that tell you what to do and what not, all this very outdated and closed to the hetero-patriarchal model in which we live.
I think I started talking about very deep issues, but it doesn't matter.
Enjoying the freedom that different couples feel is what catches my attention.
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